EU Funding
EU Funding Applications and Grant Writing
Our team of freelance grant writers works closely with you to identify EU funding opportunities, develop a project, find partners and write a winning application.
Raising EU funding is an extremely competitive process. While an outstanding project is an absolute must, the skills to sell your idea to the funders and knowledge of the EU policy context are equally important.
We offer high-quality, customised project application, grant writing and implementation services to help clients seize new EU funding opportunities and turn innovative ideas into funded projects. This ranges from EU public grants identification, consortium recruitment, bid writing, selection of experts, negotiation with the granting authorities, budgeting, quality control and implementation of projects.
Contact us with a short description of your organisation, consortium, project and preferred EU funding program. We will match you with the most appropriate expert from our network, who will get in touch with you to assess your EU funding eligibility.
Freelance Grant Writers
EuroFreelancers is a network of independent professionals with experience in business development, public policy, research, grant writing and project management. These skills are essential for preparing EU funding applications.
Many of our grant writers have worked as evaluators for EU programs, giving them insight into the process and knowledge of what is required to pass the scoring threshold and secure funding.
We have a sound track record of more than 20 years in submitting EU funding applications on behalf of large and small-to-medium-size companies, research centres, NGOs and local authorities with project budgets ranging from thousands to several million euros.
The most typical services our freelance grant writers offer include:
EU Funding Programs
Our freelance EU grant writers have experience across a range of EU funding programs. The most frequently requested programs include:

Horizon Europe
Companies with breakthrough ideas can benefit from Horizon Europe, the EU’s biggest research and innovation program. In particular, the EIC Accelerator provides two grants to help companies grow. In Phase 1, SMEs receive a €50,000 grant to undertake a six-month feasibility study into their product, market, customers, competitors and finances. In Phase 2, SMEs can apply for between €500,000 and €2.5 million to expand their business globally.
EuroFreelancers has deep experience in the EIC Accelerator and a success rate of 65%. Our clients that we helped win EU funding include Olfactomics Ltd in the healthtech and Fuelsave GmbH in the cleantech sector.
Creative Europe
Companies, NGOs and consortia working in the media, arts and cultural sector can obtain funding for their projects. EuroFreelancers has helped several high profile organizations receive grants of several million euro from Creative Europe.
Our successful clients include MediaRoad, a project led by the European Broadcasting Union (EBU) to strengthen public and private sector media organizations through launching a series of incubators. Our services included writing the extensive application document, structuring the budget, coordinating with all partners and reviewing the grant agreement.

Eureka Eurostars is ideal for R&D-driven companies seeking to commercialize their innovations together with a consortium of other companies across multiple countries. The average project budget is €1.4 million, but consortia can apply for more or less funding. Projects should bring a verified innovation to market within two years.
EuroFreelancers has helped several consortia receive Eurostars funding. Our successful clients include Labmaster which received a €1.7 million funding boost from Eurostars to complete development of Lucia, a revolutionary new point-of-care blood device to boost diagnostic speed and precision.
Erasmus+ is the EU funding program to support education, training, youth and sport in Europe. It’s typically suited for universities and high education institutions for networking activities and exchanging of best practices. This includes improvement of the professional skills of their staff, organisational capacity building, and creating transnational cooperative partnerships.
Our successful clients include Avempace asbl which received a €300.000 Erasmus+ funding boosts to implement the project EUYOUTH4HEALTH: Engaging European youth in promoting health prevention.

More EU Funding Programs
While the above programs are the most requested, we have experience working with other funding programs, including:
We also have successful track records of securing funding under the WORLD BANK, IFC, UNDP and EBRD tendering process. We currently monitor a total of more than 50 international funding programs.
Our Detailed EU Funding Services
1. EU Public Grants and Tender Monitoring
The EU selection of funded projects is very administrative and the requirements grow increasingly year after year. Our EU funding consultants can identify for you specific calls for proposals and have a proven track records in drafting, managing and assessing EU funded projects. We can guide you through the entire project funding life-cycle with customised advice and operational support to ultimately help you in being selected.
We constantly monitor EU funding opportunities and advise on how to draft applications and create partnerships. We regularly update a monthly directory of EU funding opportunities, which contains a snapshot of the main public grants and send periodic detailed alerts to organisations, which are keen to find partners for joint project applications and track any developments in funding regimes and rules. Via a dedicated portal, our clients can monitor and evaluate their application process and receive tailor-made alerts.
We systematically and carefully review draft proposals from an evaluator’s perspective, in line with the official award and selection criteria. Our final goal is to provide you, prior the submission, with clear and constructive expert opinions on the key impact and scientific-excellence criteria for selection.
Finally, we can connect project developers with potential investors either at the exploitation phase of a running project or prior the proposal submission, securing external co-financing.
2. EU Funding Roadmap
We can perform a comprehensive feasibility study to define to which extent your project ideas are in line with the current EU grant programs. Based on this feasibility study, we can prepare a customised EU Funding Roadmap for your organisation. This roadmap includes:
This EU Funding Roadmap aims to ultimately provide you with an opportunity to improve awareness on the identification and access to available EU funding opportunities, which will be supported by guidance on how to complete and submit an application.
3. Exploitation and Dissemination of Project Results
The different EU grant authorities often stress that project partners must produce detailed exploitation and dissemination plans to make sure the practical use of the knowledge generated in the project and its industrial implementation. However, project partners often struggle to design significant exploitation plans, as this involves technical expertise going beyond their mandate and their scientific skills.
Our EU funding consultants have worked closely with project developers to address the technical barriers for transforming scientific outputs into viable innovations and support them to successfully access new markets. This includes demonstrations and commercialisation of the results generated in the project implementation.
We have developed and tested an innovative and structured methodology for broader commercial exploitation of project results resulting in licensing deals and spin-off creation all over Europe. We can therefore act in support or as workpackage leaders in charge of commercialisation and exploitation of EU project results.
4. Monitoring and Evaluation of Project Results
Evaluation activities can help EU funded projects to be more strategic about the targeted stakeholders, the overall objectives of the different EU programs and the impacts expected on the ground.
The key aim of evaluation activities is to design and articulate the work plan of the project in manners that can be tested at regular intervals. The evaluation process should indicate cases of positive performance as well as areas for improvement. The process may also identify unforeseen risks and events which could affect the critical path of the project implementation. This allows the project to adjust and enhance the direction of its work plan, to maximise the quality of its deliverables and increase the potential for long-term impact.
Our EU funding consultants have developed and tested an innovative and structured methodology for monitoring and evaluating the progress of each project deliverable and the overall project performance, measuring its success against key performance indicators. We can act in support to workpackage leaders in the design and implementation of a comprehensive evaluation plan and an evaluation report at the end of the project.
Let Us Know How We Can Help
Need help to write a proposal that wins EU funding? Schedule a free consultation with our own Karen Wessinger by clicking the button below. We respond to every email and look forward to hearing from you.